Your personal information is stored securely and confidentially, either electronically, using codes with password protection or in paper format which is stored in a locked cabinet, coded for protection. The data collected is used to enable effective communication during the therapeutic process, it is used in a safe and ethical manner and is in line with EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 2018.
It may become necessary to share your data with a third party if I feel you, or someone else close to you, is at risk of significant harm. Unless the risk is imminent, this will be discussed with you before appropriate disclosure. I do have a legal obligation to break confidentiality in compliance with a court order, concerns over child protection and information or knowledge regarding fraud, drug trafficking or acts of terrorism.
Your contact details are held securely for up to 1 year after the therapeutic process has ended and session notes will be held securely and confidentially for 5 years after the therapeutic process has ended, at which point they will be deleted or destroyed accordingly.